

News, Facts & Guides

King's Coronation - Road Closure, Seale & The Sands





ORDER 2023

 NOTICE is hereby given that whereas between the hours of 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. on Sunday 7th May 2023, the road listed in the Schedule below will be thronged or liable to obstruction during a Street Party, therefore Guildford Borough Council has made an Order under Section 21 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 for the purpose of preventing obstruction in that road and closing it to vehicular traffic between the above-mentioned hours on the day stated. Emergency access will be maintained at all times.


 The Green, The Sands
School Hill, Seale


 Binton Lane; Sands Road
Elstead Road; 

 Dated: 27th April 2023

 Legal Services

Guildford Borough Council

Millmead House







Ref: 009255


Guest User
May 2023 Elections

Uncontested Parish Council - One vacancy still exists, can still be co-opted. Please contact the Clerk for further information.

Guest User
Maintenance Vacancy

Maintenance Team Retiring – After many years of keeping our Parish clean, tidy and respectable, Barrie and Pauline are stepping down from this role at the end of April. If you are recently retired this is an ideal position for you! The work entails looking after the Seale Pavilion, both play areas and other ancillary areas around the Parish. D-I-Y skills as well as general maintenance are required. If you are interested, please contact the Parish Council.

Guest User
King Charles III Coronation - Street Parties

King Charles III Coronation will take place on Saturday, 6th May. It has been suggested that street parties are held on Sunday 7th May, as per the attached document.

Last year for the Queen’s Jubilee two street parties were held, one in Seale and one in The Sands; which seemed to be the preferred option.

Would you be willing to help organise these?

We will hold a ZOOM meeting next Monday, 27th February at 8 pm for anyone interested - click HERE for link.

Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities document

Jason Butcher
Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Review

We are now approaching the statutory consultation which will start on Tuesday 7th March. Many of you will be interested in reviewing the proposals being put forward and may well wish to respond to the consultation. 

We would now like to invite you to a briefing webinar. The purpose of this briefing is to help you prepare for the upcoming consultation, with background project information, details of how you can respond, and details of engagement events throughout the consultation period. 

Please note that we will not be sharing specific information relating to any proposed boundary changes on this webinar.

Four webinars are planned, running on different days and at different times in early March. Please click on the link next to the date and time of the webinar you would like to attend to book a place. 

Click here to book for Wednesday, 1st  March, 14.00 – 15.00

Click here to book for Thursday, 2nd  March, 19.00 – 20.00

Click here to book for Friday, 3rd March, 10.00 - 11.00

Click here to book for Saturday, 4th March, 10.00 – 11.00


Jason Butcher
Draft Green Belt Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Guildford Borough Council has produced a Draft Green Belt Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and will be consulting on the document from midday Wednesday 22 February 2023 to midday Wednesday 22 March 2023 (inclusive).

This SPD provides detailed advice and guidance on Policy P2: Green Belt in the adopted Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2015 - 2034 (2019) 

The construction of new buildings is generally considered ‘inappropriate’ in the Green Belt. There are a number of exceptions to this listed in paragraphs 149 and 150 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) whereby development could constitute ‘not inappropriate’ development. Policy P2 in the adopted Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2015 - 2034 (2019) provides further definitions for some of these exceptions.

The draft Green Belt SPD provides further guidance in relation to how these exceptions will be interpreted. It has been produced to ensure there is clarity and consistency on how planning applications will be determined when applying national and local Green Belt policy.

If you would like to comment on the draft SPD, please visit the consultation homepage at https://guildford.inconsult.uk/draftgreenbeltspd/consultationHome. Please use the ‘Online comments form’ to respond to the consultation. 

Alternatively, you can let us know your views by emailing planningpolicy@guildford.gov.uk, or by writing to: Planning Policy, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4BB. Please ensure you make it clear which part of the SPD (page, section, paragraph) your comments refer to.

Printed copies of the SPD will be available to view at the Council office main reception at Millmead and in all Guildford borough libraries (during usual opening hours) throughout the consultation period.

Your comments will be published alongside your name, but your personal details, such as your email or postal address, will not. Please note that verbal or anonymous comments cannot be taken into consideration.  We will also publish a final Consultation Statement identifying main issues raised and our response to these. The SPD will then be finalised and taken to Executive for adoption.

Jason Butcher
Surrey County Council to take control of Environmental Maintenance

On 1st April 2023, Surrey County Council will take over responsibility for Environmental Maintenance (grass cutting, weed spraying and treatment of noxious weeds) across the whole of the County. Whist they already manage this in Elmbridge, Mole Valley and Tandridge, the other areas have historically been managed by Districts and Borough Councils to differing specifications.

By bringing the service back in house, a consistent approach (4 urban cuts, 2 rural cuts and 1 weed spray treatment per annum) across all areas will be achieved. SCC will ensure highway verge maintenance contributes to their greener futures objectives and provide a greater ability to support the national “blue campaign” to reduce cuts and increase biodiversity.​

Finally, it will enable the service to promote innovation, actively trial and switch to alternatives to conventional weed spraying as technology develops.

Jason Butcher
Surrey County Council to take control of Parking Enforcement

On the 1st April Surrey County Council will take back control of Parking Enforcement from Guildford Borough Council. They are taking back control from all the boroughs and districts in Surrey.

SCC have a contractor NSL who will perform the following duties:

  • Parking Enforcement and day to day operations

  • Processing Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) and dealing with enquiries about them

  • Managing resident parking permits and dealing with enquiries about them

  • Arranging parking suspensions and waivers

  • Taking payments for PCNs, permits and other services

  • Operation of pay and display machines

  • Operation of traffic enforcement cameras

SCC will be the new contact for all parking related enquiries including enforcement action. We’ll publish this contact on our website when we have it.

Jason Butcher
Hankley Common - Closed to the Public 13th February to 10th April 2023

We have been advised by our M.O.D. Security & Public Access contact that Hankley Common is due to close to the public for an extended period from 13th February to 10th April 2023. It may also be necessary for this period to be extended.

This is due to important military training.

Whilst the bridleways will remain open we have been asked if we can pass on that ideally voluntary restraint should be excercised by everyone and that the bridleways should not be used so as not to disturb the training.

The training area is only within Hankley Common and does not affect Elstead and Thursley Common areas as marked on the map below as S5 and S6.

Closure sign
Map showing miltary trainings areas at Hankley Common.
Jason Butcher
Grit Bin Locations & Gritter Route information

Any resident can use the grit from our grit bins for use on public highways and footpaths. The bins are filled each winter but if any become low or empty during winter please let us know.

At St. Laurence Church, Elstead Road
Elstead Road / Wood Lane junction
Elstead Road / Seale Road junction
Binton Lane / Seale Lane junction
Blighton Lane near Furze Hill
Old Hogs Back / West Ridge junction

The Sands
Top of Smugglers Way
Botany Hill / Sands Road junction
The Green / Sands Road Junction
Sands Road / Crooksbury Road junction

Gritter Routes

Surrey CC has an interactive Winter Online map that shows all gritter / salting routes: Priority 1, 2 and 3 routes - find it here.

This map can also show grit bin locations.

Jason Butcher
Becoming a Councillor Briefing

The local elections are fast approaching on 4 May 2023. We are keen to encourage people from all backgrounds to consider standing for election. We are holding a briefing on 9 February 2023 for anyone who might be interested in becoming a councillor. It provides an informal opportunity to find out what it would entail.

There is no commitment to go on and stand for election, but you will get a good understanding of what is involved. This will include:

  • an introduction to Guildford Borough Council

  • the process for nominations

  • the process of getting elected

  • the support and training you get if elected

  • an indication of the workload involved

Local councillors and Parish councillors will also be on hand to tell you what it’s really like.

Returning Officer and Joint Chief Executive, Tom Horwood says:
“It’s important that councillors reflect communities across our Borough. Whatever your background, profession or life experiences, your contribution as a councillor could be invaluable. If elected, you will be representing the views of local people. You could help shape the future of Guildford borough and bring about positive change for your community. Come along to find out more.”

Event Details

When:  Thursday 9 February 2023, 6pm to 8pm
Where:  Council Chamber, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4BB 
(Sat nav postcode: GU2 4BE)

Tea and coffee will be available before the event starts.

To reserve your place contact electoralservices@guildford.gov.uk

Guest User
Parish Clerk Vacancy

The Parish Council are seeking to appoint a Part Time Clerk - The Council is seeking a highly organised and committed applicant for this key role, responsible for all day-to-day organisation and management of the Council’s services. Experience of Local Government, including formal Committee work and implementation of Council policies would be ideal but by no means essential.  The post is part-time (approx. 10 hours per week); some evening meeting attendance is required.  The Hourly Rate for the position will be based on the LCA Salary Scales, determined by the level of expertise. The key attributes are as follows:

  • experienced in dealing with the general public;

  • have the ability to communicate effectively;

  • have the ability to develop productive working relationships with councillors and advise the Council in a professional and impartial manner;

  • be competent in administration and accounting with a high standard of computer literacy;

  • have the ability to assist the council with community engagement.

A full job description is available, but anyone interested should first contact the Chairman for an initial discussion.

Guest User
Christmas Cheer - Seale Village Hall 9th December

Christmas Cheer is back this year at Seale Village Hall

Friday 9th December 6-8pm

After a  two year gap Seale Village Hall Committee are delighted to invite you once again for a glass of mulled wine and a great opportunity to meet new and old friends.

There will be nibbles and a bar selling wine, mulled wine, beer and soft drinks

“Everyone including children are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there”

Jason Butcher
Future bus network review - Surrey County Council - Open until 6th January

Travelling around Surrey: Have your say on the 'Future Bus Network Review'


Surrey County Council want your help to ensure that our Future Bus Network is ready to meet new levels of passenger demand and is financially sustainable.

The bus industry is facing challenging operating conditions, resulting from changed travel patterns and passenger numbers not returning to pre-pandemic levels. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 27 million passenger trips were made each year on Surrey buses. The figure is now 18 million passenger trips. This coupled with the impact of rising fuel and maintenance costs, as well as increased competition for drivers, means that bus operators need to consider what services they operate as the money Surrey County Council spends on supporting bus services cannot buy the same as it used to.

We want your help to shape what that Future Bus Network will look like by giving us your views on our proposals for:

  • Bus route and supporting infrastructure investment,

  • Maintaining or changing bus services where relevant to increase patronage or better reflect existing patronage, and

  • Expanding the number of Digital Demand Responsive Transport (DDRT) services for a more flexible transport offer to residents.

To help shape the Future Bus Network, we are running a public consultation from Thursday, 3 November 2022 to Friday, 6 January 2023.

How to have your say

  • Complete the online survey. The survey is compatible with speech recognition software and screen readers.

  • Complete the hard copy survey. This is available in libraries, local council offices and on buses in affected areas of Surrey.

  • Request for a hard copy survey to be sent directly to you in either the standard, Easy Read or Large Print format:

Call: 0300 200 1003

SMS text: 07860 053 465 or 07527 182 861 (for the deaf or hard of hearing)

Textphone (via Text Relay): 18001 0300 200 1005

Jason Butcher
Parliamentary Constituency Boundary Review - Respond before 5th December

Boundaries are changing — it’s your last chance to have a say.

The Boundary Commission for England is redrawing the map of constituencies to make the number of electors in them roughly the same.

A new map of revised proposals has been created which takes into account public feedback. Join your community and submit your views before 5 December on the proposed boundaries for your area. Don’t miss your chance to have a say in the final public consultation.

View and comment on the constituency boundary proposals via the consultation website www.bcereviews.org.uk

Follow @BCEReviews on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep up to date with 2023 Boundary Review news.

Questions? Contact the BCE via: information@boundarycommissionengland.gov.uk
020 7276 1102

Boundary Commission for England
35 Great Smith Street

Jason Butcher
Seale War Memorial - Damaged

We have to report our War Memorial has been damaged. The wall to the right is split and the bollard in front is leaning.

Whilst we don’t believe this presents any danger to the public we do ask those visiting to stay away from this area.

We believe the damage happened within the last two weeks and would be grateful for any information on who was involved. Please contact Margaret our clerk at clerk@saspc.info.

Jason Butcher
Seale War Memorial - Omission of name

The Parish Council has been asked by the Chairman of Seale & Sands Branch of the Royal British Legion to consider making an addition of one name to the Seale War Memorial.

The person is former Seale resident Lt Col Dudley Ralph Turnbull DSO, killed in action 1st October 1917, who is commemorated in St Laurence’s church and also on Tongham’s War Memorial.

Lt Col Dudley Ralph Turnbull’s address at time of death was Whiteways, Seale, hence the reason for his name to be included on our memorial. At the time of the war, Seale, which also encompassed The Sands, was included within the Parish of Tongham, so it’s likely due to the wider Parish area that he was commemorated at Tongham but odd that he wasn’t included at Seale. Sadly, no original records have been found regarding the names to be listed.

The Parish Council is custodian of the war memorial and is in agreement that the name should be added, therefore we are seeking quotes from suitably certificated contractors to carry out the works.

If you have any comments about this please get in touch with our clerk as soon as possible and before 5th December 2022.

Jason Butcher
Seale Defibrillator - Recall

Our Seale defibrillator will be offline 18:00 24/10/22 to 23:00 28/10/22 due to a product recall.

We are at the mercy of the company providing the service and their couriers so the timings may extend.

Our registration with the Ambulance service will be updated accordingly and anyone requiring use of a defibrillator will be directed to the next nearest.

Jason Butcher
Remembrance Sunday 13th November

The Parish Council cordially invite you to commemorate the brave men from Seale, The Sands and the surrounding villages who gave their life during the 1st World War and 2nd World War at the War Memorial in Seale at 10:45. We also remember all those who lost their life during conflict.

A short service is to be held and then the two-minute silence. Wreaths will be laid. A longer service to be held in St. Laurence Church afterwards.

The Parish Council and the Royal British Legion, Seale and Sands Branch, is providing a buffet at the Club (on The Green, The Sands, where attendees are welcome.

Jason Butcher
Power outages - easy reporting

A quick and easy way to report power outages to SSEN (Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks), the electricity distributor in this area, is via their app Power Track.

Once downloaded it’s straightforward to set up and makes reporting a fault simple. You can choose to receive updates via the app or text message.

You can also call 105 but this isn’t as fast and won’t provide you updates.

Visit this link to be registered on their priority services register

Jason Butcher