

News, Facts & Guides

Hankley Common - Closed to the Public 13th February to 10th April 2023

We have been advised by our M.O.D. Security & Public Access contact that Hankley Common is due to close to the public for an extended period from 13th February to 10th April 2023. It may also be necessary for this period to be extended.

This is due to important military training.

Whilst the bridleways will remain open we have been asked if we can pass on that ideally voluntary restraint should be excercised by everyone and that the bridleways should not be used so as not to disturb the training.

The training area is only within Hankley Common and does not affect Elstead and Thursley Common areas as marked on the map below as S5 and S6.

Closure sign
Map showing miltary trainings areas at Hankley Common.
Jason Butcher