

Report it and Links

For issues which aren’t the Parish Council’s responsibilities

Surrey County Council

Report issues here: Tell Us

Report Rights of Way issues here: ROW

My Surrey - Property info, maps & local info

Road Works Info

Surrey C.C. deal with the following issues:

Roads and highways, including maintenance, street lighting, potholes, traffic, flooding, environment ie. landfill sites, health & safety.

You can report many issues online and is often a more efficient way of getting it dealt with.

County Cllr. Matt Furniss said : “We should encourage residents to make sure they report any defect on the SCC system, although we don’t yet have an app for this, the SCC report site is mobile phone friendly and if enabled will zoom in on your current location.”

What is a pothole?

A pothole is where the surface of the road has been eroded and a hollow has formed. Potholes can form quickly and typically be a depth of 100-150mm (4-6"). If a pothole exceeds these dimensions then it should be reported.

Pothole definition

Drainage and Flooding

Any flooding which appears to be a danger or an on-going problem should be reported.

General - 08708506506

Emergency - Surrey CC 0300 200 1003 or Guildford BC 01483 505050 or outside office hours 01483 564821

Report non-emergencies online to Surrey County Council for all highway issues here

Advice from Guildford BC on Severe Weather is here

Mud or Debris

Tree or Vegetation

Where the condition of a tree, within the highway or potentially affecting the highway, is a cause for concern and requires immediate attention, please do not log a report on-line, but ring the Contact Centre on 0300 200 1003.

When reporting issues it would be helpful to copy in the Parish Council so we know about it and that it’s been reported.

Surrey Police Suspicious Activity Portal

Should anyone in the community wish to raise awareness of suspicious activity please submit your comments to Surrey please via the portal below.

The link is

Surrey Wildlife Trust

Surrey Wildlife Trust no longer manages land for Surrey CC.

For issues relating to the land owned by Surrey CC please contact them directly ie.. fly-tipping, litter, illegal camping, damage, car parks, dumped cars etc..

Crooksbury Hill

Link to Surrey CC website’s page on Crooksbury Hill

Puttenham Common

Owned by the Hampton Estate. Public access managed by Surrey County Council.

Remnant lowland heath with woodland, rolling hills and stunning views, as well as several large waterbodies.

When reporting issues it would be helpful to copy in the Parish Council so we know about it and that it’s been reported.

Ordnance Survey

Ordnance Survey are responsible for maintaining the trig point (pillar) at the top of Crooksbury Hill.

Damage or any other issues should be reported to:

03456 05 05 05

When reporting issues it would be helpful to copy in the Parish Council so we know about it and that it’s been reported.

Guildford Borough Council

My Guildford Lookup - Property info, maps & local info

Guildford B.C. deal with the following issues:

Noise, smells, abandoned vehicles, unauthorised development, fly-tipping, environmental health, refuse recycling and food waste collections, street cleaning, planning, building control, council tax, benefits, housing advice, parking, health and community care services, licensing.

You can report many issues online and is often a more efficient way of getting it dealt with.

A list of useful telephone numbers, for the public's use to report on general issues are shown below:

Customer Service Centre: 01483 505050

When reporting issues it would be helpful to copy in the Parish Council so we know about it and that it’s been reported.