
council information

Names and


Your Parish Council

All decisions are made by the whole Parish Council, however councillors also have other responsibilities within the parish and local areas.

The following Councillors are your representatives:

Ian Brown - Chairman : retired

Nicola Collett - Vice Chairman : Childminder

Jason Butcher - Commercial/Advertising photographer

Lyn Parrott - Community member

Andrew Jackson - Co-opted Community member: Business Development Director

Parish Council Staff and Volunteers

Lesley Rixon - is the part-time Parish Clerk

Steve Hurran - carries out general maintenance work at both of the Recreation Grounds and other areas within the Parish

Michael Cover  is our North Downs Way/Footpath Wardens

The positions of Tree Warden and Dog Warden still remain vacant - if you would like to take up the role, please contact us.

Sue Newman represents the Council for the Smith Gift Charity

Other Councillors, MP’s and Police

Matt Furniss & Sallie Barker MBE - are Councillors for the Guildford Borough Council
Phone: 07891 022206

Phone: 07798 575356

Matt Furniss - is Councillor for Surrey County Council - Shalford Division
Phone: 07891 022206

Local MP

Jeremy Hunt is the Member of Parliament for Godalming and Ash

Phone: 020 7219 6813

Neighbourhood Police

Surrey Police Website:
Phone: 101



Both our defibrillators are housed in locked cabinets in ex. BT telephone boxes, now signed as ‘DEFIBRILLATOR’ and are located as follows:

Smugglers Way (adjacent to the Barley Mow P.H. just off Sands Road) The Sands GU10 1NE ///moss.pepper.maple

Manor Fields on Wood Lane at the crossroads with Seale Lane and Elstead Road GU10 1HT ///closet.elaborate.wake

Both defibrillators are owned and maintained by the PC. Our defibrillators are checked on a fortnightly basis by volunteers but if you see any issues with the defibrillators or their housing, please inform the PC immediately.

If you use one of our defibrillators you must inform the PC as soon as possible afterwards - this is so we can make the Ambulance Service aware it’s temporarily unavailable and get it serviceable and return it to the cabinet as soon as possible to help others.

Click here for more info.

Grit Bin Locations

At St. Laurence Church, Elstead Road
Elstead Road / Wood Lane junction
Elstead Road / Seale Road junction
Binton Lane / Seale Lane junction
Blighton Lane near Furze Hill
Old Hogs Back / West Ridge junction

The Sands
Top of Smugglers Way
Botany Hill / Sands Road junction
The Green / Sands Road Junction
Sands Road / Crooksbury Road junction

Gritter Routes

Surrey CC has an interactive Winter Online map that shows all gritter / salting routes: Priority 1, 2 and 3 routes - find it here.

This map can also show grit bin locations.