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D-Day Remembered

The Parish Council and on behalf of the residents of Seale & Sands, we would like to pay tribute to the brave men and women who took part in D-Day, 80 years ago.

D-Day of 6th June 1944 remains the largest ever seaborne invasion and along with airborne operations was the beginning of the liberation of France and western Europe.

Servicemen from the parish who gave their life during World War II:
Lieut J F Brownrigg Sherwood Foresters
Corpl. A E Bulbeck Royal Hampshire Regiment
Flight Sergt. E G Cass Royal Air Force
Lieut. C P W Cross Royal Navy
Capt. R A Lindsay East Surrey Regiment
Corpl. E A Papworth Sherwood Foresters
Admiral Sir Tom S V Phillips K.C.B.
Capt. S H M Russell M.P. Coldstream Guards
Lieut. R L S Russell Royal Artillery
Lt Col Dudley Ralph Turnbull DSO

We will remember them.

Jason Butcher