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Guildford's first annual Green Day - Sunday 9th June - 11:00-4:00pm

Guildford’s first annual Green Day will be held on Sunday 9 June 2024 from 11.00am to 4.00pm inviting you to “Be part of a Greener Guildford”. 

Guildford Green Day is supporting the national Big Green Week. It will help raise awareness of climate change issues and environmental concerns by promoting climate change initiatives, waste & recycling, vegan food, flood resilience, and local green businesses.

 Guildford Borough Council is coordinating the free, fun, and interactive event, bringing in dozens of local providers, traders, and community organisations, all working together. The event will involve a range of environmental, education and awareness activities, family entertainment, and many different stalls on the High Street. 

Visit our free activities:

• Learn how you can do more to tackle climate change

• Hear from world-class researchers from University of Surrey

• Learn more about recycling with our fun games

• Meet the team from Zero Carbon Guildford

• Roll up, roll up for circus skills

• Meet our fun, friendly, furry recycling champion

• Get information about better insulating your home

• Browse through a selection of plant-based artisan market stalls offering ethically sourced goods

Visit www.VisitGuildford.com for more information

Jason Butcher